06 November 2009

It's Friday, we should break up - Handwriting Edition

So, as you can handwriting is terrible. And I blatantly stole this from mylittlebecky and Just a Girl. And probably even Alice, since I read hers too.

Happy Friday, y'all!


Natalie said...

My mom makes the nicest Ds ever, so I get where you're coming from. Something about Moms. Apparently once you push a little human out of your vagina, you're endowed with certain freakishly awesome talents. Like baking. And perfect handwriting.

Just A Girl said...

Ohh, I totally did that a business in about 4th grade. It was popular. I also dotted my i's with circles, which may explain why I don't dot them at all now - I used up all my dotting time in 4th grade.

M said...

My mother has the most ridiculously perfect handwriting. not.

This was awesome. I liked the spell check comment.

Mandy said...

now i need to do one of these to fit in. the peer pressure around these parts gets me every time.

flipflops said...

Yes, I definitely wrote my a's that way. I also dotted my i's with hearts and made kick-ass bubble letters whenever I got the chance.

Marie said...

You're handwriting is a lot better than mine! I'm not sure I could do this, mainly because I wouldn't want everyone to see all the scratches I've made since I suck at spelling.

mylittlebecky said...

i totally tried to change my a's and 2's exactly like that! i don't feel so alone! also, i'm thinking that everyone in the whole wide world has better handwriting than me. *sniff* i had a sneaking suspicion. i LOVE these!

Graygrrrl said...

I think everyone's Mom has the best handwriting. Back in the day, you had penmanship classes. The only reason my handwriting is marginally legible is because my Dad made me write in graph paper everyday for a year. He didn't do it to my sister, and i have no idea what she's saying when she writes me letters. Big KISS to him!

PS- I also write certain letters and words differently, and it started very much on purpose (much like my accent), and now I cannot stop. 7's and Z's have a line through them, sometimes my E's look like e, and sometimes like little E's. I also spell colour as if I'm British. I'd apologize, but I'm not sorry!

PPS- I don't think your handwriting is bad at all! It's not "doctor chicken scratch".

Discover(y)Dawn(ed) said...

I LOVE this. You're writing is not horrible at all. I actually think it's adorable that it's all bubbly and childlike (that is intended as a compliment). I heart my writing, but I copied my mother's writing over and over and over until it was perfect. Which REALLY helped out on all the forged progress reports. Oops!

Toe said...

At least your hand writing is consistent, mine likes to go between cursive to caps lock to just plain old printing. And I can't spell and there is no spell check in hand writing.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I can say this with some authority because I have studied a bit on the subject - YOU have the handwriting of a serial killer. I suggest you type or text or learn to write with your other hand just so when you mock the police with you letters they will be confused.

Walter said...

I've been trying to read it but I can't understand some. Anyway, you can smooth it up with a little practice. :-)

Jay Ferris said...

I think you have really nice handwriting, despite the fact that the majority of Western civilization broke up with cursive 15 years ago.